Bekijk vergelijkbare vacatures

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Open day, Friday, April 26 at 10 AM

Hi! Nice that you are interested in the open day at DSV Moerdijk. Are you looking for a nice job as a logistics employee or as a facility worker? You don't have any experience yet? No problem! If you start here, they will train you well. Or are you curious about this company and would you like to take a look? You are also very welcome at the open day on:

Friday, April 26 at 10:00 AM.

what we offer
  • Hourly salary between € 13,27 and € 13,54
  • Working in dayshift or in two shifts
  • Possibility of getting a permanent contract!
  • Working days from Monday to Friday
  • Easily reachable by own transport + € 0.23 per km
  • Working with very pleasant colleagues
who are you

You are our new colleague if you can work from Monday to Friday. Also you are available at one of the following times:

Cycle count-pick/pack
Between 06:00 and 16:00;

Facility worker
From 07:00 to 16:00

Warehouse employee
two shifts (06:00 - 15:00 and 15:00 - 24:00)

what will you do

During the open day at DSV, we will take you into the workplace. This way you get to see what kind of products they have and what they are doing. As a warehouse employee you mainly do a lot of order picking on an EPT. Next to order picking, you will also label products, packing, doing end control and load / unload trucks. Also we are looking for some who will do cycle count next to the warehouse work. During cycle count you count every item in the warehouse. Sometimes you need to go up 2 meters to get to the item. Everything what you counted you will put it in a computer. Also we are looking for a facility colleague. You will empty all the containers, providing manual service throughout the building, so you also need some technical insight. Next to that you are able to work independently.

  • Working from Monday to Friday;
  • Working according to the safety rules;
  • Working with a nice group of colleagues.
where will you work

DSV Moerdijk has several products in the warehouse: Fender, Bugaboo, Netgear, Mitsubishi and various brands of hotel equipment. This location is growing and that is why a new building is being built. Would you like to continue growing? That is possible! You can grow to a reachtruck driver or team leader. You can get logistics certificates through Randstad.Are you coming to the open hiring? Then you are very welcome at Tradeboulevard 4, 4761 RL Moerdijk. Don't forget to bring a valid ID card or passport.
The open days are on:

  • Friday, April 26 at 10:00 AM.
job application

Would you like to take a look during the open hiring? Then register via the application button! You can also visit the open hiring without registering. When you register, we will contact you by phone to provide you with more information. For the tour it is useful if you bring your safety shoes. Don't have these? Then you can borrow them at the location.

Uiteraard staat deze vacature open voor iedereen die zich hierin herkent.


  • Je beheerst Engels



Wat wij bieden

minimaal € 13,-
Bekijk vergelijkbare vacatures


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